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Our Services.

1. All valeting services to any UK address are inclusive of chemicals, travel, labour and insurance costs unless otherwise stated.

2. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that valeting services are carried out to the highest standard and to the best of the Company’s ability, according to the condition of a vehicle, the Client is advised to check the vehicle(s) on completion of valeting, before signing invoices or work schedules, that work has been carried out to the standard and specification described. If there is any cause for dissatisfaction, the Client should point out the discrepancy to the Company’s personnel, who will endeavour to correct it at that time and to the best of their ability. No responsibility can be accepted by the Company for omissions/discrepancies detected after the Company’s personnel have left the Client’s premises. Should the valet be carried out with the ‘Client not present’ and the Client has cause for complaint, then, the Client is asked to contact the Company within 24 hours of the valet. Should the Client fail to adhere to this time scale then the Company may decline to rectify any omissions or discrepancies.

3. As part of its policy to improve the quality of services, the Company reserves the right to alter specifications of any services without prior notice.

4. If the Client fails to keep an appointment, or if the Client’s vehicle is not available, a cancellation fee will apply if less than 48 hours prior notice is received by the Company from the Client. The cancellation fee is 50% of the service booked or £30.00, whichever is the greater.

5. Whilst the Company will endeavour to comply with any quotation or estimate given, vehicles not declared in poor condition or described as "not too bad" etc and is subsequently found in our professional opinion to need additional time and resources to achieve the desired results than we reserve the right to charge additional costs (price varies depending on the discrepancy and how much time is needed to achieve the best results) This will be discussed on the day of the booking in person.

If we attend site and the booking does not go ahead due to disagreements on vehicle condition or additional costs that would need to be covered by the client not being agreed then the company will then deem the booking as cancelled which will then be subject to our cancellation policy as set out in point 4 in our services T&C. We will always ask what condition the vehicle is in at the time of booking and will add these comments to the booking confirmation. By accepting the booking you are accepting the companies policy as set out above.

The cancellation invoice and amount is expected to be paid within 30 days of the date of the booking. Failure to do so will result in legal action. Please refer to our payments policy.

6. The Company reserves the right to modify its pricing schedule or any quotation without prior notice.


1. In the absence of approved credit facilities, payment in full is due on completion. The Company reserves the right not to release a Vehicle back into the Client’s possession until payment is made in full.

2. Payment may be made by cash, debit or credit card, bank transfer. We do not accept cheques.

3. Before credit facilities can be approved, the Client will provide the Company with full address, telephone/fax number, e-mail address and the contact name of its accounts department.

4. Where credit facilities exist, payment in full is required within 7 days from the date of invoice unless otherwise agreed.

5. Payments in any form, if returned or represented by the Company’s bankers will incur an administration charge of £35.00 per transaction.

6. Invoices outstanding beyond normal credit terms will be passed to a debt recovery agent and will be subject to a surcharge of £150.00 per invoice outstanding. Such accounts will also be subject to any other costs involved in obtaining settlement. The Company reserves the right to charge interest at 8% over base rate on overdue accounts, in accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, if settlement is not within its agreed credit terms. Where preferential discounts have been given, if payment in full is not received by the due date, these discounts will automatically be disallowed.

7. In any event, the Company, its agents or other persons employed/contracted by the Company, reserve the right to enter onto the Client’s premises, property or land to repossess goods to the value of outstanding debts if payment is not made in accordance of Clause 6 above.

Work permits, authorisation and safe working.

1. Should it be required that a licence, permit, authorisation or permission be granted for valeting to be carried out at Clients premises, car park or other location, it is the responsibility of the Client to obtain any such licence, permission, authorisation or permit from the owner/operator of the premises, car park or other location.

2. The Client will be responsible for any payments/fines/fixed penalty tickets to the owners/operators of any such location. If any vehicle owned or operated by the Company is disabled in any way at the Client’s premises, car park or other location, the Client will be responsible for all costs involved in releasing the vehicle.

3. In the interest of safety, the Company’s insurers forbid it to valet vehicles in certain areas that may be hazardous. These can include on public roads, in public car parks, on construction sites and on oil or gas installations. It is therefore the Company’s responsibility to check areas for safety, and valets will not be carried out should it consider that any area of work is unsafe.

Beyond our control.

In the event of an act of God, war, invasion, the act of foreign hostilities (whether war has been declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, the Company shall be relieved of liabilities incurred under any contract with the Client wherever and to the extent to which fulfilment of such obligations is prevented, frustrated or impeded as a consequence of any such event or of any statute, rules or regulations, orders or requisitions issued by any Government Department, Council or any other duly authorised authority or from strikes, lockouts, breakdown of plant or any other cause (whether or not of like nature) beyond the Company’s control.

Southern Autoshine 2021 all rights reserved.

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